I wear two hats at Happy Hearts.
I love my role as Centre Director, working with a team of passionate and dedicated teachers. But, I am also a mum of two, and our 4-year-old is currently under-going the ‘transition-to-school’ programme.
This has enabled me to integrate my experience as a ‘Centre Parent’, with my role as a business owner. I have been able to unite the expectations of the Centre, with those of a parent whose child is being prepared for the next phase of life.
I worked previously in corporate organisations, predominantly in the legal industry, so I understand what is needed for a sound business structure. My speciality has always been effective planning. I believe this is what is needed to run a streamlined facility while taking the time to stay current and plan for the future.
John and I have always believed in staying actively involved in our society. I love the way Happy Hearts enables us to be in constant connection with families and other members of our local community.
business DIRECTOR
I have always dreamed of having a family-owned business which Alina and I could run, build and grow.
My personal philosophy has always placed importance on supporting my community and the society of tomorrow.
My role at Happy Hearts has given me the opportunity to bring this philosophy to life.
As Business Director, I run a centre based on sound planning, while still focused on real-time support to help children thrive and meet their potential.
My background as a corporate CEO has trained me to utilise strategic thinking, and I apply this knowledge and experience in order for Happy Hearts to flourish and grow.
Happy Hearts gives me a way to ‘walk my talk’ and actively participate in the community - both in and outside the centre.
Alina and I have taken this opportunity to teach our own children the positive outcome of taking the time to stay involved.